Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter Dog Party

On the day before Easter I went to a shop called Birken and Bailey's too. It had all kinds of stuff there including dogs! I got my pic. with my owner and my owners brother. They kept on trying to get me to look at this weird black thing while a person hid behind it! Isn't that strange!? After that we went on a Easter hunt inside the shop. We had to find all the easter eggs and wright down all the words that were on the easter eggs. The one word I liked the best is Blessed dogs. After that we put our paper in the box and waited to see if we got pulled and got a HUGE Bag of dog treats! BUT we did not get pulled. But it was An awesome dog party. And there was this Labrador that sat like a human! And we saw a labadoodle! That is a labrador mix with a poodle. Well thats all that we did at Birken and Bailey's too!

1 comment:

  1. hhhmmm...I didn't know that Italian Greyhounds like Easter eggs...and Greek food! :)

    Thanks for dropping by my place! Do so ever so often! :)
