Friday, March 27, 2009

Brushing Teeth

Hi, It's me again the incredible SONNY. Today I am going to talk about brushing teeth. You may think that you do not have to brush your dogs teeth but you do. Some dogs ( like Me) are prone to gum disease . My owner squeak brushes my teeth every night. But my owners mom is scared to brush my teeth. I mean come on!! I'm not going to bight her hand off!! But still just because you brush your teeth does not mean dogs can't:)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Nap time!

Hello again. You must think I'm REALLY hyper but that is not true (only sometimes). Like babies, I have nap times. And actually, I am pretty lazy. Sometimes after I eat I just plop down and go to bed. Also some other times, it takes me a while to get sleepy. uh oh I am having a sleep attack so see you latter z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z.

Potty training

Hi I'm back. I am having trouble with my owner. Squeak thinks I am pooping WAY too much. If you have a dog or know about dogs please,please post a comment and share some tips with me( if you do I will give you a visit and give you a bone:)

* Mommy Liza Googled Potty Training Italian Greyhound and lots of links appeared. Check it out HERE.


Hi! My name (nick name) is Squeak. Yes, I own Sonny. You may think Sonny is easy to train with but he is not. It is so hard to scold him because he is so cute! But when you are telling him what to do he must do it. Like yesterday Sonny and I were working on lying down. But he thought I was playing a game so he bit me. And then I had to scold him. But today he is getting better.

I forgot to tell you but we have 2 cats. You may think they fight but they don't. Some times my cats hiss and push him but they don't really fight. But right now I need to go so it was nice chatting with you :)

Friday, March 13, 2009


Hi my name is Sonny and I am an Italian Greyhound. I love my chew toys. I love my blog too! My moms Mom( liza) has a blog called A Maui Blog and Liza's Eyeview. My sister (whose really My owner) has a blog too called My Life's Journey. Her nick name is Squeak. I let them blog here (actually they help me blog :)

I love tug-a-war and I always sleep with Squeak. But right now I need to go to bed because it is past my bed time. I'll see you tomorrow:)  Sonny:)